Don't Starve Together: Hallowed Nights Survivors Chest, Part III

Wurt Deluxe Chest Don't Starve Together. Hallowed Nights Survivors Chest, Part II Don't Starve Together. Starter Pack 2019 Don't Starve Together. Merrymaker Survivors Chest Don't Starve Together. Merrymaker Belongings Chest Don't Starve Together. Bounteous Bundle Don't Starve Together. Starter Pack 2020 Don't Starve Together. Spring Cleaning. During Hallowed Nights, we have increased the drop chance of Hallowed Nights items, so be on the look-out for these rare items and snag them all while you can! The Hallowed Nights Survivors Chest, Part III, contains the Hallowed Nights skins for: Walter, Wolfgang.

Mass Effect: The Unsung Hero

Chapter 11: A Friend In Need, part II



First off the story jumped almost 2000 hits with the addition of chapter 10. Either I'm just that lucky or the story is that interesting.

Secondly, thanks to all of you that have submitted your Mass Effect OC's to have a cameo role in my story. If I don't get any more, I'll be able to get the 3 submissions I got already in to my story, otherwise once I hit five submissions its going to a poll vote. For an example of what I mean, look at GIRLIKESTACOS review of chapter 10. Chances are that I've read your story and already know your OC, so no pressure!

Also, the 1000 Day War (abrevviated as KDW) is in no way WWIII, because it's 3 countries versus 1.5 (China being 1.25 and North Korea being .25 or is that too much credit?) and its going to be very localized fighting as will be described here and later on. (Yes there will be more flash backs, other wise this chapter would get boring both for you to read and for me to write!)

Next, while I wasn't expecting much of a response for an offer to work together on a collab, only one person responded! Hopefully once you read the short excerpts I have at the end of the chapter I'll get some more responses.

Finally, for those of you who absolutely love this story, I post updates on my progress on my profile. So if you REALLY want to know how soon it'll be before the new chapter is posted, check my profile!

On ward with the story!

Normandy SR-1

Comm Room


As John was finishing his history lesson with Mitchell, he noticed that Mitchell seemed distracted when he said certain words; in particular 'Ceph', 'Ling Shan', and 'Hargreave'. When Mitchell had told him about meeting Jacob Hargreave and being selected for a prototype testing, his mind began to spin. The main cause behind the Ceph mother ship on Ling Shan blowing up was never released; the only survivor of the team that was sent in was shipped directly to Hargeave's main office in New York. No one was ever able to get the man's name.

Being of a military family, John could tell that whatever had happened with the Ceph Incursion, Earth's true First Contact War, the military had erased the key players from history either because of what they did or how they did it. Something wasn't adding up. If Mitchell's memories could be trusted, then he may have been one of those forgotten hero's of Earths' past and if these Reapers that Saren and the Geth are trying to bring back turn out to be real, then the Earth would need hero's to look up too and believe in.

Of course when I try to figure this stuff out, Mitchell has to fall unconscieous!

'Shepard to Chakwas! Get a medical team up here!' John yelled at the air, knowing that the Normandy's VI would pick up his voice command and broadcast it throughout the ship to be sure that all the necessary personel heard the order.

Normandy SR-1

Crew Deck

After being dismissed by Shepard and Mitchell, Liara ha gone down to visit the Normandy's doctor. She had caught a little bit of the argument Shepard and Mitchell were having and couldn't tell if they were being serious.

Who is to blame here though? She chastised herself I have not made any effort to get to know any humans, although I probably would have made a fool of myself anyways..

Liara had just finished getting checked by Dr. Chakwas when Shepard's voice came over the Normandy's PA.

'Shepard to Chakwas! Get a medical team up here!' As far as Liara could tell, Shepard's voice indicated that he was extremely worried about whoever it was.

Without missing a beat, Dr. Chakwas replied back, 'Chakwas to Shepard, whats the situation?'

Shepard's voice came back in a hurried fashion, 'Chakwas, it's Mitchell. He's fallen unconscieous, rapid eye movement, and has erratic hearbeat. We are in the Comm Room, get up here now! My Omni-tool can't find anything physically wrong.' Liara's heart skipped a beat when she heard it was Mitchell who was hurt. She looked expectantly to the wiser medical doctor, hoping to see her move quickly into action. When Chakwas didn't and checked something on her Omni-tool, Liara was ready to run up to the comm room herself and see what she could do to help.

'Commander, set your Omni-tool up with the sensor data package I'm sending you now and then scan his head completely.' Chakwas ordered just as Liara left the med bay.

Normandy SR-1

Comm Room

When Mitchell had fallen unconscieous, he had simply gone limp. Since he was resting his head in his hands from what must have been one helluva headache, he ended up dropping straightover and on to the floor. As John called Chakwas, he manuevered Mitchell's body so he was lying flat. Once John had installed the sensor data package Chakwas had sent via the Normandy's internal wireless network, he began to scan Mitchell's head as ordered.

'I wonder if it has anything to do with the Prothean Beacon..' he muttered out loud.

'I would presume that the experience of the meld accompanied with re-experiencing the Prothean vision may have caused some kind of reaction.' Liara said as she entered the Comm Room, causing John to jump up slighly.

'Jesus, Liara.. Aren't you supposed to be getting checked out by Chakwas?'

'She told me I was fine, just needed some rest. Can you tell me what happened?' Liara asked, hoping that it wasn't the mind meld. It had been a very different experience from what she had been accustomed to hearing about from other Asari. She knelt down on the other side of Mitchell and looked at Shepard waiting for the explanation.

'After the meeting with the Council, Ryan was about ready to break a bulkhead in half.' John started, before Liara cut him off with the classic shocked look; mouth hanging open and eyes wide with a mix of fear and confusion.

'Goddess, what would make him so mad?' she asked.

'The Turian councilor, and to tell you the truth I wouldn't have minded taking a shot at the guy either. After I.. calmed him down a bit, we got to talking about him and his amenisa. He told me about a memory he recovered shortly before we came to rescue you, and some of the details he mentioned are making everything about him even more confusing.' John stopped there, the new sensor in his omni-tool having completed its task with a beep. John then began to rescan Mitchell's chest as he spoke 'Chakwas, sending you the results now, and it seems like his heart rate and blood pressure have stabilized again. Still has a lot of rapid eye movement though.'

There was a long period of silence as Liara and John waited for Chakwas to respond. To Liara it felt like an eternity had gone by, until finally Chakwas responded, 'Ok Commander, I don't know how but the readings you gathered are similar to someone who is the deepest stage of sleep from which they can't be woken up.'

'So what do we do?' John asked.

'The only thing we can do is make him comfortable, there is no need for supervision either since he is essentially asleep.' Chakwas replied.

'Ok, I'll take him to his quarters then. Hopefully he wakes up before we get to the Citadel. Joker, how far out are we?'

'Well, unless you want to make a side trip to Tuchanka for Wrex, I'd say about 20 hours, a day at most.' Joker said.

'Ok, best possible speed Joker, lets get there quickly but as efficently as we can.'

'Aye-aye Commander'

As John looked down at Mitchell's body he couldn't help but feel like the universe is revolving around Mitchell now.. I also don't want to have to carry his 250 pound ass down the stairs either..

'Um.. Commander,' Liara spoke up, 'Would you like some help getting Ryan down to his quarters?' she offered.

'Yeah sure Liara, the two of us together should be able to lift him biotically, I know I couldn't keep him up for much more than a minute.' John said as he stood up and started to rub his hands together like he was an old school weight lifter. As soon as Liara stood up, the air around them started to increase in static electricity as they both generated a single mass effect field just strong enough to lift Mitchell up off the floor but still manageable like a gurney.

With a nod to each other, they put their hands out in front of them slowly and moved them towards the door. The mass effect field/gurney responded appropriately by gliding towards the door which opened automatically for the trio. As soon as they entered the CIC though, their path was blocked by Ash, Kaiden and Tali all of whom had come up to see what was going on.

'Shepard!' They all shouted at once as the door opened, but when they saw Mitchell's feet floating their way out of the Comm Room, they immediately got out of the way. Tali and Ash, once they realized what was going on, went ahead to the stair well on the Normandy's port side to make sure it was clear as John and Liara guided Mitchell's floating body down to his quarters.

Mitchell's Body:

En route to Citadel

Normandy SR-1


Mitchell's Mind:

Vandenburg AFB

Santa Barbara, CA



'MASTER SEARGANT MITCHELL TO THE GENERAL'S OFFICE.. REPEAT.. MASTER SEARGANT MITCHELL TO THE GENERAL'S OFFICE.' The PA announcement had broken my train of thought. Great.. Hope this isn't about my 'project'.. I quickly finished what was left on my tray and quickly made for the hall way that would take me to the General's office the quickest. If it is about 'Athena' hope he was able to get the Joint Chiefs on board.. We need to be able to adequately test it before we can make any final suggestions. Although I suppose I should be happy that this project even got started at all..

As I made my way to the General's Office, I passed by several airmen, officers, and even some flag officers. All of them gave me a wide berth, perhaps because there is only one Mitchell on Vandenburg that wears the 720th STG patch on his sleeves. Regardless, I continued thinking about how I got to where I am today, thanks mostly to the 1000 Days War(KDW).

After the President had given his emergency speech, my friends and I who had just graduated as STS-392 looked to the General of the Air Force and gave him the appropriate salute. General Doolittle, a descendant of the famous General Jimmy H. Doolittle, had the same commanding presense that his great grandfather had.

'Gentleman, you are the best that the Air Force has to offer. I received a breifing from . that outlined the Presidents goals for this campaign right after the ceremony. Rather than risk a global war, the President is authorizing extreme use of the Special Forces to accomplish our goals. The Chinese Peoples Army is mainly run by brainwashing their troops since their birth, but that leaves their basic grunts almost as useless as a neighborhood watch group. In short if we can eliminate their supplies and their field officers, their army will lose integrity and implode.

While we will have full air support from both the Navy and Air Force, any deep strike ops will be on their own to accomplish their objectives. To that end, one of our contractors has come up with something that should tip the odds in our favor. Would Master Seargant Ryan Mitchell, Lieutenant Greg Hawk, and Airman Niles Brady come with me please?'

Finally I reached General Hawk's outer office, where his aide, Colonel Wray was sitting at his desk doing who knows what. Probably trying find something that'll get him that promotion to a Brigadier General. After I closed the outer door, I saluted since Col. Wray was one of the staunch believers in showing 'respect' to superior officers even if you know them personally. Wray just nodded and tilted his head to his left, indicating that I could take a seat to wait for the General to summon me.

Thankfully I didn't have to wait long, Gen. Hawk came out of his office a short time later with a tablet PC in his hands and motioned for me to come into his office. I promptly followed him in and closed the door behind myself. I knew from first hand experience that the General's office was specially made so that any bugs or surveillance devices on a person would be deactivated as soon as the door closed. Still need to get him to pay for that digital camera, I mused at the running joke we had between us. The General had been the lone officer that graduated with me in STS-392, so he didn't particularly care if I saluted him or not, especially since I had to save his ass in Korea. Although it wasn't entirely his fault though either, intel had been way wrong about the size of the Chinese force at his landing zone.

'Ryan, I have great news, good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?' Hawk started off with first as he sat down in his cushy leather chair

'You know me, hit me with the bad first.' I replied as I sat down on the uncomfortable, back breaking chairs meant for the General's visitors. Yeah so they can't focus on what they are going to say next thanks to the pain.

'Ok, your proposal to amp up 'Athena' wasn't well received.'

'I figured as much, with all of our R&D money going to producing Nanosuits, why bother with new weapon systems for the rest of JSOC?'

'Exactly the Joint Chiefs thoughts, here's the good news. They are willing to let you have a suit so you can run your integration tests on it.'

'So let me get this straight? The Joint Chiefs are just gonna play the 'wait and see what happens' game again? Honest to God Hawk! If I hadn't turned down so many promotions because I didn't want to deal with the damn political horseshit thats going on in Washington I'd be a fucking 5-Star General! '

'I know Ryan I know! Believe me, if I had it in my operations budget I'd give you everything you needed. This weapon system can revolutionize rail gun tech beyond what the GK8 Gauss Rifle has already, but no one wants to come up with new weapon systems right now.'

'So what's the great news then?'

'Hargreave-Rasch and their subsidiary CryNet are willing to help you out, particularly in technicans and manufacturing. They did after all design the GK8.'

'Yeah, which is only useful as a replacement for a sniper rifle or in a limited mid-range combat setting.' The GK8 Guass Rifle was the first true to life hand held railgun system, but it was limited to firing one round about every 3 seconds and was overkill on everything with out ablavtive or ceramic armor. Which is why I wanted to scale everything down, so that our non-Nanosuited guys would have an even greater advantage.

As I sat in thought, Hawk let me have my 'thousand-mile-stare' as he called it for a few minutes before he spoke up, 'I know you hate when I bring it up, but the top brass see this as a means to try and out do the Nanosuits by you.'

That got my blood boiling, 'You have got to be fucking kidding me! So because the United States Air Force's top PJ and CCT actually failed in something, they are viewing my project as a.. a.. revenge tactic? Sounds like some one in Washington has been waiting for this moment for a long time..'

Hawk adverted his eyes away from mine when I said that last sentence, almost in shame. No way.. 'Ryan.. You gotta trust me when I say this, but myself and few other generals have been your biggest supporters, but there are some of those in positions of considerable influence that have been wanting to see you fall..'

'No.. You have got to be shitting me! It's fucking Obrian isn't it!' Chief of Staff Niel Obrian was the Major I had beaten so long ago in basic, and being C.o.S. Meant he had access to practically every single person he needed to ruin any ones career, no matter where they were; military, political, private, or civilian, and I was in his crosshairs.


About a year ago, JSOC went around and asked for volunteers to try out a new kind of battlefield armor, one that would give the wearer a tremendous advantage. I didn't know it at the time, but I was the only Air Force Spec Ops guy selected, all the other canidates were either Delta Force or Navy SEALs. When we all arrived at the training ground at a base that was simply called Groom Lake (although almost all Air Force officers know it as Dreamland, where the newest tech is developed and tested years before its even available) in Nevada, we were shocked when they first revealed the Nanosuit to us. The suit basically replaced everything a Spec Ops team would need for armor and other miscellaneous gear while ramping up the wearers endurance, speed, strength and even letting them blend in with their surroundings.

While in 2v1 sparring fight with a SEAL and a Delta during the training, I ended up tearing my right knee's ACL completely. While I protested with the General who was running the training/recruitment, I was let go from the program because I 'was not at my physical best'. The Delta guy, whose callsign was Nomad, apologized for what happened, and hoped I would be able to join him in the future. Go figure that my first and only serious injury would occur during a simple sparring match.


'You got it in one buddy, I feel like I should tell you, that all those promotions you turned down were never actually turned down. They are all still in the system waiting to be approved by your commanding officer and his superior. Granted that you wouldn't be that 5-Star you mentioned, but you'd be a flag grade officer with enough pull that Obrian would no longer be able to lay his hands on you.' Hawk said very simply, almost with an encouraging undertone.

'Hawk.. You know what comes with being a flag-grade officer..'

'A desk, which I must point out you already have..'

'True, but then I'd be chained to that desk and thats not what I want. My skills are better put to use out in the field, and not being an armchair general.' I countered.

'Ryan, look at this from a different angle which I know you can do. You turned 30 a few months ago, in the Spec Ops world thats like being 45, close to retirement, being an old man. With the skills, experience, and knowledge you have, you could have any job in the civil sector, or become a trainer at STS and see that your legacy lives on. You could even settle down with Sarah if you wanted too. I know you two have been seeing each other again when you leave the base.'

Ah.. I wondered when he would find out.. Sarah was my girlfriend who had left me for the Army when we graduated high school. Somehow during the height of the KDW, her unit was deployed to one of several forward operating bases in Korea, which happened to be the same base my team and I were running out of. Needless to say, during a North Korean counterattack, more like retribution for my team putting a 50-cal. rifle round through Kim Jong Ill's head, followed by a precision satillite weapon strike ordered by me, she was wounded and one of a few survivors in the base before my team and I showed up and cleaned house.

The base had a small crew, only a platoon's worth of soldiers to help with some scouting and perimeter defense, besides my crew and our support staff. The North Koreans came in with a full battalion (A/N: platoon: 22-55 troops, battalion: 300-1300), it was a slaughter house before my team came in and brought down the wrath of god on them. Of the 1000 KPA that assaulted the base, 729 were killed by my team and an orbital strike. That still counts for your team though..

I never knew Sarah had been deployed until I had found her in the wreckage of one of the portable buildings. Her and I had fallen out of touch, being a part of an elite Spec Ops team does that you know, and I never knew if she had found another boyfriend. I on the other hand didn't want to deal with losing another person close to me, especially after losing my parents. As I treated her wounds, a gunshot to the leg, a broken arm, dislocated shoulder and some minor burns, I made her a promise that I would take her to our favorite restaurant back home in Wisconsin when we got out of here.

As fate would have it, the KDW ended a few days later. My team and I, given the fact that we took out Kim Jong Ill and were the first team deployed got 6 months of guarenteed leave by the President himself. He apparently had read all of our mission reports personally and was supremely impressed with the job we did. With half a year to spend as I saw fit, I chose to go home. Home.. thats a place doesn't exist anymore..

I helped Sarah recuperate while we stayed at my parents old house, which I technically owned. I had used a good chunk of my pay to have people clean and keep the house in order even though I hadn't been there in almost 3 years; it was just like I remembered it from graduation night. I had spent that night getting ready for basic instead of partying like everyone else I knew. When she was feeling up to it, Sarah and I went around town revisting our old hang outs before I finally took her to our favorite Itailian restaurant.


'Ryan.. Ryan.. RYAN!'


'Did you hear anything I said?'

'No I didn't.. I'm sorry I'm so distracted Sarah. I promised you to take you out to eat, and here I am

ignoring you..'

'It's ok, I think I understand.. You haven't been here since-'


'I don't mind repeating myself though in this case.. I said that with my contract expiration coming up, I don't really have any plans, and I was wondering what yours were for after leave..'

Oh shit.. 'Well.. I never really got assigned to a proper base, but I assume that I'll get Vandenburg. Its a huge AFB with everything a team like mine needs..'

'Yeah.. thats not what I meant though..'



Sarah ended up moving out to San Fransico for a job opportunity, and we stayed in touch whenever I could. Being an elite Spec Ops team, and the Presidents favorite nonetheless, meant a lot of assignments on short notice. Apparently, The President prefered to work behind the scenes. A relationship never really took hold until the assignments stopped, which occurred at a change in the Administration. The new President was more in favor of sending diplomat after diplomat before sending.. another diplomat. Christ the guy doesn't want any grunt work done. With more time being spent at Vandenburg, meant more time being in contact with Sarah. Surprisingly enough, throughout the years of talking and getting together once in a while, our love lives never came up.



'Hey Sarah!'

'Hey Ryan, whats up?'

'Well, Hawk decided that since my 'Athena' proprosal would take some time for the guys at the Pentagon to review, he 'ordered' me to take the rest of the week off. Naturally first thing I thought of doing was calling you.'





'Yeah I'm still here..'

'What's up?'

'Well.. You and I have been talking and hanging out for a long time now. Yet we never once talked about us.'





'Yeah.. Why is that?'

'I don't know..'

'I.. um.. was there..'




'No.. You were the only one..'





'What about you?'




'No one..'

As I thought about Hawk's offer and Sarah, Hawk's personal phone rang. I ignored his conversation as I thought over the pro's and con's of being a flag-grade officer. Hawks point about my age was true, most of my original team had long since retired or moved to a less intense field, and the only other one left was going to transfer to being an instructor at one of the basic camps. With the current Administration looking to maintain power through to 2024, I was almost guarenteed to have no job as it were unless another war started up. Chances of that happening are as good as us finding Atlantis..

(A/N): Sorry for the cliff hanger guys! But in this case it seemed like an excellent spot so I could regroup and give you guys a break from reading pure flashbacks. To that end, here are the excerpts for the two crossovers I've had in mind for some time.

The first one here will be the Stargate/Mass Effect Crossover. I do have to mention that anyone who is interested in making this a collaboration must have extensive knowledge of the Stargate Universe (I'm talking like owning all 10 season of SG-1 and its 2 movies, etc etc). If your interested, let me know via a review!

Stargate: A New Era (working title)

Chapter 1: Discovery

In the 15 years since SG-1's inception, never did General Jack O'Neill (with two l's he always told people) thought he see the team become like it was now. With his promotion to General, Carter took over but by that point Teal'c, Daniel, and herself worked together for so long and so well that it didn't really matter who was the offical leader.

But then when the Goa'uld were effectively defeated by eradicating Anubis from the galaxy, he was promoted yet again to take over Homeworld Security, and General Landry was appointed head of the SGC. With that came Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell, who had saved SG-1's life (and incidently billions or trillions of others) in Antartica, to take over SG-1. Some how, Mitchell along with Daniel, and Teal'c found some hidden Ancient cavern in Great Britian. Led there by Vala Mal Doran, a women who used every trick in the book to get what she wanted, they ended up making contact with people of another galaxy who followed Origin.

Origin, as Daniel discovered, was a religion in which the followers believed the Ori who were ascended beings, like the Ancients of the Milky Way, were gods who gave them life, etc etc. When Daniel and Vala made contact, the Ori immediately made preparations for a crusade to convert the Milky Way to Origin.

Don't Starve Together: Hallowed Nights Survivors Chest Part Iii 2

The Free Jaffa Nation, at the time was going through some rather rough growing pains and were in no condition to fight off even more false gods. Then the emerging Lucian Alliance didn't want to make friends with Earth, so the SGC was left to find a way to beat the Ori and their followers who had vastly superior technology in their ships. If that wasn't enough, the Ori some how snuck one of their own to the 'lower' plain and she became the Orici. With the help of Merlin, an Ancient who was hidden by Morgan Lefay/Ganos Lal, Daniel was able to create a weapon that would effectively kill the Ori.

Once it was launched the Ori's followers had to be dealt with. Daniel, using hints given by Morgan, was able to find the Ark of Truth in the Ori galaxy which 'showed' the Ori followers the truth.

When it finally seemed like everything had calmed down in the Milky Way, things in Pegasus heated up. Some how, a Wraith Scientist ended up with a ZPM and made a Super Hive ship, and came for Earth. Luckily, between Atlantis being flown from Pegasus to Milky Way and a well placed nuke, that hive was taken care of.

With the entire Ancient database at Earth's disposal, their understanding of the city and Ancient tech grew ten fold. While they still lacked the capability to create more ZPM's, they were able to integrate the newest generation of Naquadah reactors and power the city.

Of course, leave it to Daniel to find the biggest mystery of all; a nine symbol gate address with no description. It was at that time that Carter got command of the DSC General Hammond and left SG-1. While Mitchell, Daniel, Teal'c, and Vala kept on going, the hunt for Carter's replacement didnt take long. Captain Jennifer Hailey, who had accompanied SG-1 several years ago, was the hands down choice.

While SG-1 continued on, and Carter went to war against the increasingly tribal Luican Alliance, the 9 symbol address had finally been answered in the most unlikely of ways. A MIT drop out had solved a complex equation written in Ancient, which allowed for an ill equipped off world team to evac to an unknown destination when the supposedly top secret base came under attack by the Lucian Alliance.

The survivors had gated to an Ancient ship thousands, maybe even millions of years old. In disrepair the ship, Destiny, was several billion lightyears away from Earth and was apparently chasing down the reason behind a structure in the background microwave radiation, or something like that. The ship and crew had been through a literal hell, and when the Pentagon came under attack by the Lucian Alliance, everything hit home. The galaxy that Destiny currently was in was home to an automated drone fleet with the mission to destroy all technology not their own. In a last ditch effort, the entire crew decided to go into stasis for 3 years and 'skip' the rest of the galaxy rather than try to take on the formidable enemy.

Now though, SG-1 was trying to find a way to establish a secure base from which the SGC could gate to Destiny and send supplies and personel. The team had gone through some rough changes though; Mitchell was still in command, with Hailey and Daniel in tow. Teal'c had gone back to Dakara, he was elected as the Free Jaffa Nations Chancellor and wanted to be involved in his new born grandson's life. Vala meanwhile was on maternity leave, since her and Daniel finally got hitched.

'The more things change, the more they stay the same..' Jack muttered as he looked out the window in the breifing room that showed the gate room in its glory.


'So Jackson, any bets on what we'll find on this trip?' Mitchell asked as they geared up in the usual black BDU's, combat vests, and grabing P-90's along with M9's and Zat's for good measure.

'Umm.. Semi-primitive civilizaton, around 15th century technology wise.' Daniel guessed. The Goa'uld had repressed human development as much as they could so that they could maintain their images as gods, and now one of SG-1's standing missions was to elevate the various cultures technology at a reasonable pace.

'Damnit Jackson you said that last week!' Mitchell groaned.

'Yeah well, statictically speaking he's going to be right. The last 5 worlds we went to met the rough description.' Hailey piped up, which caused Daniel to grin widely at Mitchell who rolled his eyes.

'You know what.. I miss Teal'c.' Mitchell said as the team made their way to the gate room. 'He was always one for an excellent conversation.'

'Indeed.' Daniel said in as a deep a voice he could, imitaing their large friend of few words.

As SG-1 waited at the bottom of the ramp, Walter was busy calling out the chevron's engaging until finally number seven locked in and the giant water like explosion came from the gate. When it stabilized, they waited for the go signal from Walter.

Getting impaitent, Mitchell yelled at the Seargeant, 'Walter whats the hold up?'

'We are getting some weird readings from the MALP, but the atmospheric conditions are in the green.' Walter answered.

'Sweet, looks like you were wrong Daniel. Weird readings usually mean some kind of power source and that means advanced technology.' Mitchell teased Daniel by slapping him on the back. Meanwhile General Landry came in the Control Room and listend to Walter's explanation of what was going on.

'SG-1, you are cleared to proceed. Just be warned though, this gate address is from the Atlantis database and is a quarter of the galaxy away. Any reinforcements will take time. Peggle deluxe download free. I'm sending Col. Carter to the planet now just in case.' Landry advised. The energy readings were that of some sort of power source, similar to that of a hyper drive, but in a completely different spectrum.

'Roger that sir, we'll call back in half an hour.' Mitchell replied and went up the ramp. Hell, if these people are friendly, then maybe we would be able to reach Destiny.

On the other side of the gate, SG-1 saw that the gate was situated in the middle of a valley with no discernable tracks around the gate.

'Well, if there is an advanced culture here they must not use the gate.' Daniel said absently to no one in particular.

'Right, well we don't know if they can tell if they can detect gate activity so let's get to the top of this valley and do some scouting from there.' Mitchell suggested.

What they didn't know was that the advanced culture they thought this planet was home to were vistors as well, and they had detected the gate activation.

(A/N): Alrighty! Obviously this is only a quick excerpt I came up with before I plan anything for this fic, and am only going for the general idea here that the gate network, while it did cover a good portion of the galaxy, was almost completely destroyed by the Reapers who didn't like the idea of instantaneous travel between planets.

Again, if any one is interested in helping me with this, I would prefer it rather than working on this and The Unsung Hero at the same time.

Next up is the excerpt for the Iron Man/Mass Effect Crossover. I'm basing this off of the Iron Man movies so be warned.

Mass Effect: Forged Heros (working title)

Chapter 1: Everything dies

Everything that has a beginning has an end. Tony Stark, multi-billionare, genius, ladies man.. Iron Man.. never thought that those words would apply to him once he figured out a way past the pallidum posioning he was getting from his mini-Arc reactor in his chest. Using an element his father had designed but couldn't produce, he was able to increase the small power devices out put by several factors. Enough so that his mini-factory in his house and JARVIS, his AI/butler would have enough power to run continuosly for several years.

Now 5 years after proclaiming that he was Iron Man, as the papers dubbed the armored hero, he realized just how foolish he had been. He had fought several 'villians' if a person could call them that, but always outsmarted them and used the flaws in their tech against them. Also acting as an advisor for SHIELD he had fought some other nasty things, but always came out ahead..

He always came back to her.. Now he would never be able to see her beautiful red hair or gorgous green eyes, all because he thought his tech was perfect. The nano-bots that were now swarming inside his body were shutting down every major organ and were imperivous to EMP's. Thankfully, Tony was close to a SHIELD base, and JARVIS had them prepare the only other solution to the problem..

Let the nano-bots batteries die.. By putting himself in an alien cryo-stasis tube, he would remain frozen. The nano-bots, being with out power provided by the body itself would have to use their batteries to try and accomplish their goal, but with Tony's organs 'dead' they would do no more harm. The only problem was that JARVIS didn't know how long the nano-bot's batteries would last.

Damned if you do, damned if you dont..

As Tony took apart the Mk. VI armor that had served him so well in the past years, he realized that he would effectively disappear. 'JARVIS, make sure Pepper knows whats happening..'

'Of course sir.. I will be here for you when you wake up sir.' The AI's voice resounded throughout the helmet before it came off. Tony handed it to the SHIELD agent next to him who put it in a safe that was across from the cryo tube. The only left to do is to throw all I know and love away and hope some alien technology that we don't understand will save my life.

Don't Starve Together: Hallowed Nights Survivors Chest Part Iii Walkthrough

'JARVIS.. Execute order 198247-Alpha..' Tony spoke.


'You are to upload your personality files here to this SHIELD base, destroying your backups along with destroying anything related to the Iron Man amor, and the Arc reactor. Be sure to keep Stark Industries going, within the parameters I've given to you in file #83209375-Beta.' Tony said to a small micro reciever in his watch as he stepped inside the cryo-tube.

'Anything else sir?'

'Yeah.. Besure to have a cheeseburger waiting for me when I wake up.'

'Of course sir, wouldn't want you to starve as soon as you unthawed.'

'Thanks JARVIS.. Be sure to tell Pepper to not wait for me.. and that I love her.'

'As you wish sir..' That was the last thing he heard as the SHEILD agent activated the cryo-tubes controls, sending the great Tony Stark to a dreamless sleep.

(A/N): Well theres that! Not the greatest way to get Tony to 2183, but I wanted to avoid dimension jumping here like I did with ME:TUH and with the Stargate excerpt. For whatever reason, I don't like to write dimension jumpers..

Again I have to emphasize that is just a rough idea of what I have in my head for this story. If any one is interested in helping me with this one or the Stargate one let me know!